5 Steps to Create a Beautiful Life

 create a beautiful life.

Before we dive into the details, let me start by saying that each of us decides what a beautiful life should look like, we design it, and we create it, and then we have to make sure that we live that life with integrity, where we line up our talk and our walk .

So how do you create this beautiful life?

Live with intention

Decide what you want your life to look like and create that vision, day by day, hour by hour. Living with intention is simple but not easy and definitely always pays off.

Coaching tip

When you discover your values, you will understand why certain things matter so much to you and seemingly not at all to others.

Choose what matters

Do you know your priorities? what do you value

Sometimes we profess certain things as our priorities, yet our lives show other areas as more important. This discrepancy leads to stress and a feeling of dissatisfaction. That's why it's important to know your values ​​and priorities and do everything you can to live in integrity.

Coaching tip

Do a prioritization exercise on your weekly or monthly schedule to see if what you say you prioritize is actually reflected in your daily life.

Value people over things... always

When you are creating a beautiful life, it is tempting to think that you are only surrounding yourself with material possessions.

However, Pinterest is not real life. Neither does Instagram.

True beauty comes from shared experiences and a life that feels authentic.

Remember that you also need to appreciate. Consider yourself a worthy financial investment, whether it's a household help, a personal trainer, an image consultant, a coach, etc. or even just our most valuable resource, time.

Coaching question

In what areas of my life do I value external things more than people dear to me?

Understand that time is a zero sum game

· We each have 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds in a day. You cannot carry any of this with you; you must consume it now and well.

· As a time management coach, I hear these statements all the time:

1. I'll get back into scrapbooking/ hanging out with friends/ reading when my kids start school.

2. I need to function like this for another x number of years and then I can start easing up again.

· Newsflash - you'll never get that time back. It's harsh, but true.

· Create moments during the life you are currently living for the things that matter to you.

· We all make daily decisions about how we spend our time. You can exercise while I'm still sleeping... and I work at night when others are watching TV...

Be aware of the place of social media

· Real life happens in the moments between Instagram posts. We all only show a small percentage of our lives on social media. Don't think for a minute that you have to strive for those scraps of other people's lives.

· Pretty photos of gorgeous food, beautiful scenery, and perfectly groomed children are moments that are meant to project a certain image.

· Be present to the real people in front of you instead of desiring the adoration of virtual strangers and waiting for likes, comments and tweets.

· Your life is beautiful the way it is. You are alive, you have people who love you, you have clean drinking water, electricity and food.