10 Healthy Habits For A Longer Life

 Establishing healthy habits for a longer life doesn't have to be monumental steps. Every small step can eventually lead to lasting and significant results and a longer and stronger life. Here are 10 ways you can make small changes that will lead you to a better, healthier lifestyle.

You don't have to go to the gym to make physical activity part of your daily routine. Start by adding just 20 minutes of walking twice a week to improve your mood and fitness level. If you don't want to go out in the cold or prefer to exercise in private, try a yoga or pilates DVD. By getting up half an hour earlier than usual, you can start the day with a calm mind and a flexible body.

Make a commitment to include more cardiac oils in your diet. These include mono- and poly-unsaturated fats. For example, flaxseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil, and organic coconut oil contain heart-healthy and protective elements that prevent aging and reduce inflammation. Alternatively, you can replace the butter on your breakfast toast with hummus and you can have seeds and nuts.

Empty your kitchen cupboards of unhealthy snacks and replace them with unsulphured dried fruit and fresh fruit. Keep unsalted seeds and nuts on hand so you don't have to reach for something processed or made with trans fats.

Learn portion control. Small meals improve digestion and metabolism. Try eating until your stomach is 75% full instead. Include lean protein, vegetables, fruits and carbohydrates in your daily intake.

Future-proof your bones by adding at least one calcium-rich food to your diet every day. Low-fat yogurt, leafy greens or salmon are excellent sources of calcium and can prevent osteoporosis, as can gentle exercise such as pilates or yoga.

Green vegetables have antioxidant power. Include at least one serving of vegetables every day. This could be one cup of green beans or broccoli. Try a watercress sandwich or even steamed broccoli and add olive oil with a sprinkling of sesame seeds. The beginning of summer brings a wider range of green products to the market.

Drink at least six to eight glasses of filtered water every day. This is just as important in winter as it is in summer, as the body can be dehydrated by heating systems. Our body is almost 70% water and needs to stay hydrated to function optimally and dissipate toxins to prevent aging.

Eat more fiber to keep you regular, slow digestion, and have healthy blood sugar levels. Digesting beans, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables will slowly give you energy throughout the day.

Give your brain a boost with logic puzzles, online memory games or crossword puzzles. Exercising your brain daily will not only increase your cognitive performance, it can also protect your memory from the ravages of time.

Improve your sleep by skipping caffeine and opting for herbal teas instead. Do some light stretching before bed and relax the muscles one by one as you climb into bed.


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