How to Clean Your Laptop Computer

How to Clean Your Laptop Computer

Do you know how to clean your laptop? If you have bought a good laptop computer, it makes sense to keep it clean and dust-free.

Not cleaning your laptop can lead to many problems. Dust can accumulate in the cooling areas of your laptop computer and cause your system to overheat. Dirt can also get stuck on your screen or keyboard and cause problems.

In this article, we will learn how to keep a laptop spick and span off with just a few simple steps.

1. Read the User Manual

Before you start cleaning your portable computer, I would recommend that you refer to any instructions in the laptop user manual. Manuals will usually highlight for you any special safety precautions you should take, e.g. do not use any harsh cleaning agents or harsh substances on any part of the laptop. Once you understand the special safety precautions you should take, you can begin the cleaning process.

2. Required Equipment

You will usually need the following to clean your laptop:

* Pressured air
* Some cotton swabs
* Cleaning solution
* Soft cleaning cloth (eg cotton T-shirt)

You can also find great cleaning products available on the market, such as the one below.

3. Cleaning the Exterior

The first step is to clean the outside of your laptop. What you do here is to use a soft wet cloth to clean the laptop bag. Never, use an abrasive cleaning cloth or use durable cleaning products. If you do that, any glossy finish on your new laptop will erode, very quickly (ouch).

4. Cleaning Display

For me, one of the most annoying places where dust and grime are piled on a laptop screen. This is because the screen is where you watch your work, your movies, etc. So any dust on the screen is very noticeable.

When cleaning the display, you first need to turn off the laptop. Also, never use brasive cloth or paper towels to clean your display. You will scratch and leave more than dust and dirt on the screen.

You can try to use the cleaning cleaning solutions that come in the form of sprays. Sprinkle another on the fabric first, then carefully wipe the screen from left to right, and up and down.

5. Keyboard Cleaning

I also get very frustrated when dirt gets into my laptop keyboard. One important thing to remember is to keep food and drink away from your laptop computer! Even if you do not spare something directly on the portable computer keyboard, you may be contaminating the laptop with food and swearing at your fingers. Try to get cotton swabs to clean the inner and immediate keys.

6. Cleaning Cooling Holes

Cooling holes in a portable computer often catch a lot of dust and dirt. What you can do is use a can of compressed air to spray and clean those cooling spaces. One thing to be careful of is to avoid spraying so much that you get liquid on the fan blades.


Make sure you always set aside time to clean your laptop. Laptops that have not been cleaned for a long time are not only unpleasant, and they are more likely to get into trouble. Take care of your laptop and it will work for you faithfully for many years to come


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