13 Sleeping Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Fast

 Insomnia is a problem for millions, and women approaching middle age are especially prone to it. Lack of sleep can make you irritable and grumpy, and it can also take a huge toll on your body. Professional and working women may also experience a decrease in work productivity. If you are one of the many women (they work for men too!) who find it very difficult to fall asleep, here are some tips to help you fall asleep quickly:

13 Sleeping Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Fast

1. Take a good look at your bedroom. Does it benefit sleep? Make sure your room is as close to total darkness as possible. Close the curtains and use a towel if you must to block any incoming light from the street lamps. Also, put a towel over your alarm – just make sure you hear it in the morning.

2. Make sure you have a comfortable bed. Make sure your mattress provides enough support for your spine. Your pillows should be replaced every 2 to 3 years.

3. You shouldn't spend time in bed snacking, reading or watching TV. The only two activities you should be doing while you are in bed are sex and sleep. You have to train yourself so that when you finally crawl into bed at night, you will go to sleep.

4. Try not to watch the news right before you retire for the night. Try watching a sitcom or a funny movie instead. Most of the news these days is bad and it can disturb your mind.

5. Another one of those sleep tips that will help you fall asleep almost on command is to establish a bedtime routine. Make sure you follow this to acclimate and let your body know that this is what we are doing to prepare for sleep.

6. Don't drink alcohol before turning in for the night. It can be stimulating and can make it difficult to fall asleep.

7. Avoid nicotine and caffeine; both of these products are stimulants. You don't want to bounce off the walls!

8. If you're all stressed out and can't sleep, try writing down everything that's bothering you. Committing these thoughts to paper opens them up and helps clear them from your mind.

9. Eat a turkey sandwich before bed - the tryptophan in turkey will put you to sleep.

10. Taking naps during the day can sabotage your sleep at night. Resist the urge to take a nap if you have trouble sleeping at night.

11. Another great tip is to take a hot relaxing bath. You can even combine it with some light meditation to calm your mind.

12. Did your grandmother ever tell you that? Drink some warm milk and honey before going to bed.

13. If you can't seem to fall asleep, get up and try to do something for about one to two hours until you're physically exhausted. Just don't choose an activity that stimulates your mind and makes you stay awake longer


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